Practical Tips for Running Your Business from a Coworking Space: Maximising Productivity and Networking Opportunities

Coworking spaces present unique opportunities and challenges for business owners. They provide a flexible and dynamic environment that fosters collaboration and innovation. To optimise the potential of these shared spaces, entrepreneurs must develop strategies that align with their business needs while leveraging the amenities and networks available. Adopting practical tips for maximising productivity and growth is crucial when running a business from a coworking space.

Developing Your Business Plan in a Coworking Environment

When an entrepreneur decides to embark on a business venture in a coworking environment, crafting a solid business plan should be a priority. This document serves as a roadmap for business growth and a communication tool for potential investors.

Research and Strategy: In a coworking space, an entrepreneur has the unique advantage of direct access to a diverse community. They should capitalise on this resource for market research, competitive analysis, and potential collaborations. The business plan should outline a clearly defined strategy, which includes understanding the target market and setting measurable objectives.

Finances and Budget: One of the initial steps in business plan development is the creation of a detailed financial plan. Entrepreneurs should focus on a realistic budget, taking into account the reduced costs associated with coworking spaces, such as shared utilities and internet. They should also forecast sales, profit, and cash flow to ensure financial viability.

Business Structure: The business plan must outline the proposed business structure, whether it's a sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited company. The choice of structure will affect taxation, personal liability, and ongoing compliance obligations.

Key Components Description

Executive Summary A concise summary of the business plan, including the unique value proposition offered by the business.

Business Description Details about the services offered, and how they meet the needs of the coworking community and beyond.

Market Analysis An evaluation of market trends, target demographics, and competitive positioning.

Operational Plan How the business will run, including HR policies, supplier agreements, and day-to-day operations.

Financial Projections Detailed forecasts of income, expenses, and profitability over a defined period.

Within this shared office culture, it's critical for business owners to network, share knowledge, and utilise feedback from fellow coworkers to refine their business plan.

Leveraging Coworking Networks and Community

When operating a business from a coworking space, one can significantly benefit from the diverse network and community that the environment fosters. Coworking spaces provide a platform for professional interaction and offer a multitude of networking opportunities. They engage a variety of local businesses, professionals, and sometimes even investors.

  • Create Partnerships: Aligning with others in a coworking space can lead to fruitful partnerships. They often organise events that serve as a springboard for collaboration.

  • Engage with Local Businesses: Use the coworking space as a conduit to connect with local businesses which could aid in mutual growth.

  • Expand Professional Network: Professionals should be proactive in expanding their network through attending workshops, socials, and seminars provided by the coworking space.

Coworking spaces tend to be equipped with resources designed to boost networking and community engagement. They distinguish themselves as vibrant ecosystems where professionals from varied fields converge. Individuals should take the initiative to engage in casual conversations which can evolve into working relationships.

To facilitate networking in coworking spaces, one can:

  1. Initiate and participate in community events.

  2. Offer to help or collaborate on projects.

  3. Share skills and knowledge in community forums.

  4. Be consistent in attendance and engagement with the community.

For those aiming to maximise their coworking experience, tapping into the coworking network can be instrumental in propelling a business forward, while also enriching the community at large.

Marketing Your Business from a Coworking Space

When marketing one's business from a coworking space, the collaborative environment presents unique opportunities for growth and brand exposure. One should consider leveraging the diverse professional network available within the space for cross-promotion and partnerships.

Social media plays a crucial role in today’s marketing landscape. Businesses should maximise their online presence by sharing their coworking experiences and incorporating relevant hashtags which can often be provided by the space itself to increase visibility.

Organising and hosting events can be extremely beneficial. Workshops, seminars, or casual networking events can attract attention not only from coworkers but the broader community as well. Linking such events with social media creates a feedback loop that can enhance the attendance and reach of both.

Effective promotion often involves offering exclusive deals or services to other members of the coworking space, encouraging them to try out your services and in turn, recommend them to others. This can be as simple as leaving well-designed flyers or business cards in communal areas.

Here’s a quick reference to a few important points:

  • Build Relationships: Network and create partnerships within the coworking community.

  • Social Media Strategy: Use the space’s community to enhance social media traction.

  • Host Events: Increase visibility by organising events that add value to your coworkers.

  • Exclusive Promotions: Offer special deals for fellow coworkers to foster a mutual support system.

Businesses must understand that the coworking space itself acts as a dynamic platform for marketing, extending beyond traditional office confines. Utilising this space effectively is key in developing a robust marketing approach.

Costs and Overcosts of Running a Business from a Coworking Space

When entrepreneurs choose to operate from a coworking space, they are often motivated by the flexible work environment and the savings compared to traditional office leases. However, business costs in these spaces can be more complex than they first appear.

  • Membership Fees: Depending on the coworking space, membership fees can vary widely, often influenced by the location, amenities provided, and the exclusiveness of the space. Most spaces offer tiered pricing, from hot desks to dedicated offices.

  • Additional Services: These might include costs for printing, booking private meeting rooms, or access to specialised equipment. While businesses save on the initial investment in infrastructure, these services can add up over time.

  • Hidden Costs: Often overlooked are the inconspicuous expenses that are not immediately connected to the coworking space itself. For example, businesses might incur travel costs for meetings outside the space. Particularly worth noting is the luxury of a hotel chauffeur service for transporting esteemed clients or executives, which, while opulent, sometimes becomes a necessary expense for making a powerful impression during pivotal business discussions.

Operational Expenses:

  • Utilities: Generally included, but certain usage might be capped.

  • IT Support: Pay-as-you-go or subscription-based IT services.

  • Insurance: While the premises has its coverage, businesses often need their own.

Entrepreneurs should meticulously evaluate these potential costs. By understanding the full spectrum of expenses, they can effectively budget and avoid costly surprises that may affect their bottom line.

Integrating Technology and Productivity Tools

When running a business from a coworking space, integrating technology effectively can lead to significant productivity gains. They should ensure that they have access to high-speed internet, a fundamental component for leveraging cloud-based solutions and ensuring that operations run smoothly.

Firstly, businesses must make use of collaboration tools. Solutions such as Slack or Trello facilitate communication and organisation, allowing for seamless teamwork even when members are not physically present.

Project management software is equally important. Applications like Asana or enable users to track progress, set deadlines, and assign tasks, ensuring that everyone is aligned with the project's objectives.

Technology Type Tool Examples Use Case

Collaboration Slack, Microsoft Teams Real-time messaging, file sharing

Project Management Asana, Trello Task assignment, progress tracking

Video Conferencing Zoom, Google Meet Remote meetings, client pitches

Moreover, adopting video conferencing platforms such as Zoom or Google Meet is essential for maintaining face-to-face interaction with remote team members, clients, or stakeholders.

For cutting-edge businesses, exploring virtual reality systems can provide immersive experiences for product demos or virtual meetings, offering a unique way to engage with clients or team members remotely.

In a coworking space, these technologies must be chosen with care to ensure compatibility with the shared infrastructure and to respect other users’ space and bandwidth requirements. By strategically integrating technology and productivity tools, businesses can optimize their operations and cultivate a culture of efficiency and innovation.

Structuring the Workday for Maximum Productivity

When individuals operate from a coworking space, structuring their workday can enhance productivity immensely. A consistent schedule is foundational. They should delineate their tasks to fit into a daily routine that aligns with their peak productivity periods. Discerning the time of day when they're most productive is crucial, as recommended in The Muse's guidelines for a productive workday.

Flexibility within the workday is equally important. Coworking spaces offer varied environments that they may leverage for different tasks—quiet zones for focus, communal areas for creative brainstorming, and meeting rooms for client calls. Professionals can benefit from the change of scenery within their workday that can lead to a burst of creativity.

Incorporating self-discipline into one's routine ensures that they stick to their planned schedule. They can adopt tools to stay on track with tasks and deadlines. Regular breaks are also vital to maintain focus and avoid burnout. The Pomodoro Technique, organising work into short sprints, can be particularly effective.

Furthermore, a coworking space provides opportunities to socialize and network. They should schedule time for social interaction, which can foster creativity and a community spirit. Yet, it's essential to balance social time with work commitments to prevent encroaching on productivity.

In conclusion, individuals need to find a balanced approach that accommodates a routine, introduces flexibility, demands self-discipline, and incorporates social interactions to achieve maximum productivity in a coworking space.

Managing Coworking Logistics and Operations

Proper management of logistics and operations is essential for businesses operating within coworking spaces. The foundation for success lies in balancing cost-effective rental prices while ensuring that the operational needs of every employee are met. Companies can achieve this by focusing on the following key areas:

  • Space Utilisation: Maximise the efficiency of the shared office spaces by allocating areas based on the distinct requirements of different team functions. It's important to configure the spaces to provide both collaborative areas and private zones.

  • Customer Service: Exceptional customer service must be a priority, which includes the smooth onboarding of new members into the coworking community. Quick and effective communication channels should be in place to facilitate this.

  • Flexible Membership Plans: Offering flexible membership plans can accommodate the varied needs of business clients and contribute to higher member satisfaction. Plans may range from daily passes to long-term options, encompassing different levels of access to amenities and support services.

  • Operational Efficiency: Monitor and refine day-to-day operations regularly to satisfy members. This includes efficient handling of billing, streamlining check-in procedures, and ensuring the space is clean and well-maintained.

A strategic approach towards coworking logistics and operations not only enhances productivity but also fosters a professional environment that values member satisfaction. Businesses should continually assess these operational aspects to maintain a harmonious and dynamic coworking setting.


Operating a business from a coworking space offers numerous advantages, particularly in fostering a community and enhancing productivity. For the entrepreneur, these spaces provide networking opportunities and potential collaboration with other innovative minds. Furthermore, they hold an appeal for remote workers who seek professional environments without the isolation of a home office.